Wi-Fi Modbus Gateway
Model: TSGTW100
Name: Wi-Fi Modbus Gateway
This Wi-Fi Modbus Gateway is the latest technology for industrial Internet of Things solutions. It can support up to 100 nodes of data transmission and reception and easily upload data to the cloud. The Wi-Fi Modbus Gateway helps you connect the wireless network to an IP network via Wi-Fi.
- Intelligent Modbus, IO, Data Logger, Wi-Fi Connectivity
- 1 x RS-485 port for RTU Modbus, 1x RS232 port for HMI, TTL for Configuration
- Embedded ARM® Cortex™-M4 32 Bit RISC Core, 168 MHz inside, RTOS system, reliable performance with in-built watchdog
- Wide range power supply 9~36VDC with over voltage and phase-reversal protection
- Upto 100 nodes can be monitored and controlled
- Configure and Read Multiple Slave IDs Upto 30, Selectable Register Address data upto 30
- Parameter Data type, Byte Swapping Conversion and Scaling factor enabled
- Transparent Modbus or Device Inbuilt Polling – Formatted to (ASCII/HEX/RawHEX)
- Smart Inbuilt Data Logger works during Network and Server Disconnection
- Logger Sends offline data once Network and Server Connected
- Upto 6 Authorized numbers list for command and Configuring
- Configurable TCP/Http/MQTT/Https Mode, GET/POST Methods
- Configurable CSV/JSON Format for Parameter Packetization
- Remote Configuration through SMS/GPRS/Server IP Commands
- Alerts: Power Failure Restore, Low battery Shutdown, Digital IN Changes, Device Reset
- OTA (Over The Air) Firmware upgrade, Device Configuration update
- LED & LCD indicators to provide GSM, GPRS, Signal, Modbus Tx/Rx COM Status
- Configurable Server Connection: Connects on Demand or Always Connected
- Keep Alive command to maintain socket connection
- DG Set Monitoring
- Cold Storage
- Smart City
- Energy Management
- Pump Management